Debra Gudema for Well&Co.

Dogs and Human Wellness

Dogs have a way of weaving themselves into our lives, becoming part of who we are. For some they are the family pet, to my family, they were one of us. Just family.

My dogs were more than pets, they were companions, teachers, and quiet healers. Each one brought something unique, but all shared that steady, gentle presence that seemed to know exactly what I needed, even when I did not.

There is something about a dog’s simplicity that makes life feel lighter. My dogs showed me what true wellness looks like: the joy of a morning walk, the grounding calm of quiet company, and the importance of play, no matter how grown-up life insists you become. They reminded me that fresh air, movement, and laughter are not optional; they are essential.

When life felt overwhelming, my dogs anchored me, and still do. There were no words, no judgment, just their warm heads resting on my lap, a soft nudge to step outside or the sweet cuddles while listening to their heart beat. The pups had this magic power  to pull me back to the present, teaching me to slow down and notice the small moments: the sun filtering through the trees, the rhythm of our footsteps, the way the world always felt a little softer with them by my side.

And in times of loss or loneliness, they offered quiet healing and support. My dogs had a way of being there, not to fix anything but simply to be. Their loyalty was unwavering, and their presence was enough. And fortunately, they did not mind if I took endless selfies with them.

From the late Jock, Sandi, Willow, and Maggie to the present day Daisy, each of these dogs gave me the gift of balance, being active, of being still, and of being fully alive. In return, I hope I gave them the same love and peace they gave me. My dogs have taught me that wellness is not just about taking care of yourself; it is about finding joy, connection, and love in the simplest, truest ways.

Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co. 

📸: Debra Gudema

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