I still remember the hush of the concert hall as I clutched my grandmother’s hand. As a child, my grandparents often took me to the symphony in New York, Boston, Sarasota and the beloved Tanglewood, where I was mesmerized by the orchestra’s sweeping melodies. Those early experiences planted the seeds of a lifelong love for classical music, and even now hearing a familiar concerto brings back that warm nostalgia. Sitting beside my grandparents, I felt the music not just in my ears but in my heart and often times, the hair on my arms would raise when the orchestra sound vibrated into the walls. That childhood introduction to classical music was pure magic, sparking joy and awe, later becoming my chosen genre of concerts. The same timeless pieces that wowed me as a kid have become the tune that uplifts my spirit on tough days, heals when I need comfort, or offers a studying atmosphere when composing a paper.
For me, classical music is more than entertainment, it is a trusted emotional toolkit. I turn to it for relaxation, focus, or simple emotional release. When I feel anxious or stressed, a gentle symphony or piano piece soothes me. When working on school work or helping with volunteer marketing items, soft Baroque or Mozart pieces in the background keep me focused and in the groove. If I find I am overwhelmed, a melancholic Chopin nocturne might bring me to tears due to its melodic beauty, but afterwards I feel lighter, as if the music released whatever emotions needed to be felt and cleared.
In the end, I am forever grateful to my grandparents for introducing me to classical music. The joy of attending symphony concerts is still part of my annual repertoire, along with summer moments with my husband and children in Tanglewood. The timeless compositions of symphony are more than notes on a page, they are companions that uplift, heal, and inspire me throughout my life. Those childhood trips to the symphony taught me that when words fail, the magic of classical music will always speak to the heart. So, next time you turn on the classical music station or happen to hear a tune in the background, embrace it and feel it to the core, for it truly is magic.
Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co.
📸: Debra Gudema