The other day, I found myself rushing through errands, my mind consumed with grad school deliverables and the million things on my to-do list. My little one, tugged at my sleeve and pointed to the sky. “Look at those clouds, Mom. They are like giant cotton candy!” I stopped, looked up, and there they were, these soft pink and gold clouds, lit by the setting sun. For a moment, the chaos faded, replaced by a quiet sense of wonder.
That tiny moment of awe shifted something in me. It was not the first time I had felt this. I have had moments like this while photographing nature or watching my kids play a board game with my parents, completely lost in the simplicity of togetherness. In those moments I was reminded of how powerful an awe can be.
Whether through nature, art, or meaningful connections, a moment of awe does more than lift your mood, it lowers stress, slows down the active brain and resets the body. For me, such moments offer a spiritual grounding force, reminding me to step out of my own head and connect with the beauty of the world around me.
I have started seeking out moments of awe on purpose. Sometimes it is as simple as watching my children dance to a song they love or sitting with our cat, as she naps in a sunny spot on the couch. Other times, it is walking outside at night to gaze at the stars or watching my husband read to our children. These moments do not just calm me, they propel me. They remind me that life is more than the school deadlines and daily deliverables.
Awe does not have to be big for it is in the little moments waiting for us, like clouds shaped like cotton candy or the simplicity of family time. All we have to do is pause long enough to notice these special awes.
Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co.
📸: PeopleImages / iStock