Rashida Jones to Inspire
“Invest in your brain, invest in your talents. Those things can appreciate and they get better as you get older.” — Rashida Jones Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co. 📸: JB Lacroix
“Invest in your brain, invest in your talents. Those things can appreciate and they get better as you get older.” — Rashida Jones Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co. 📸: JB Lacroix
“Courage gives us a voice and compassion gives us an ear. Without both, there is no opportunity for empathy and connection.”– Brene Brown Mindfully curated by Debra Gudema for Well&Co. 📸: Brene Brown
Education and mental wellness are deeply intertwined aspects of our lives. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the crucial link between the two. While education equips us with knowledge and skills, mental wellness provides the foundation for effective learning, personal growth, and overall well-being. This blog explores the symbiotic relationship between
In the vast spectrum of colors, one hue that shines with unparalleled vibrancy is yellow. I love the color yellow. It was one of the primary colors in my wedding, it was in my mother’s wedding, and for one who loves the sun, the yellow radiates and lifts my spirits. The color yellow is often
In recent years, avocados have gained a reputation as a superfood because of their high nutritional value. They are packed with healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them an excellent addition to any diet. Here are some reasons why avocados are great: Avocados are a nutrient-dense fruit. One medium-sized avocado contains approximately 250-300 calories,
Today’s wisdom is to get out of the house, office or wherever you are and embrace in a movement meditation. In this practice, you focus attention to the experience of moving (walking, biking, hiking, stretching etc). With your awareness engaged in this practice, let gratitude take over for the simplicity of movement. Feel your feet
The dichotomy between living and being alive is grand. To live we eat, hydrate, attend to our job, support our dependents and self, shower and recommence the next day. This cycle becomes a habit, a routine, and often rudimentary. Being alive is the higher aspect of living. Being alive is taking charge of our life.
And just like that it’s 2023. How was your 2022? My past twelve months were filled with lessons, challenges, opportunities for growth, learning, and embracing new skills. While I like what 2022 has taught me, I look forward to taking that new knowledge and strength into 2023. Learning never stops, growth never ends and with
‘Tis the season to be jolly!!! It sure is. With holiday music flowing in my brain and joy radiating as I prepare holiday festivities with family and friends, it is certainly a gleeful time of year. But let’s face it, this season also culminates in anxiety from planning, coordinating, seeing relatives (not all family relationships
The importance of observing Yom Kippur and acts of kindness and forgiveness all year is essential. Change is a process. It takes steps, it takes a lot of introspection, dedication, recognition and continual connection to the higher-self, the universe, and for some, continued connection to one’s temple, church or place of worship. Join me in
For years, I relished and appreciated the moments of sitting on a yoga mat, letting my mind drift during an hour-long yoga class. The stretches were abundant, but the psyche met a new level of serenity. From that moment on, I was hooked to yoga, enamored with finding the breath I desperately needed from the
Let’s face it, life is tough. I’m not a wellness pro or some fancy wellness guru. Just an average folk tossing some tools of wisdom that got passed my way during the years. If anyone has stated to you that life is perfect. Run and keep running. Life is far from perfect. I’m a living
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