Postpartum and Mindfulness

When it comes to mental health, recognizing and being aware of our feelings and emotions is essential to long-term wellness, particularly for mothers after giving birth. While feelings are part of the human condition, often they can surge into extremes, causing a mother to experience postpartum depression (PPD). Dr. Pari Ghodsi, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Northridge,

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The Zen Desk

Zen is a Buddhist philosophy that encourages meditation, serenity, and mindfulness. The practice of zen helps one realign their daily grind to achieve more peace and calm. With health being a factor in an employees performance and career enthusiasm, companies are starting to embrace wellness programs and zen atmospheres. The current challenges employees have in their

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Five Mindfulness Practices To Start Today!

When it comes to health, wellness, mental peace, and happiness, I want to do whatever it takes to naturally get there. We are living in a busy world, and it is constantly getting busier with people more connected to their electronics than ever before. We are always “on” 24/7. The key to finding balance in

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Luxe Wellness at a TJMaxx Price

I love Sephora, Ulta, and the fancy cosmetics counters at high-end stores as much as the next lady. Yet on my last few excursions to TJMaxx, the latest wellness mecca, I have found myself mesmerized by the infinite beauty and bath selections. With luxe skin-care lines by Clarins, Bobbi Brown, Elemis and Perricone MD to

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Family Wellness 101

Wellness programs are increasing their presence in many corporations and businesses; however, these programs are just as integral in the home setting.  Home is where we commence and conclude our day, and it’s often our safe haven to recharge and reset. Whether living alone, with roommates or with a family, nurturing our well-being in the

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Resources to Tackle Life and Career Burnout

Do you find yourself increasingly lethargic, grouchy or less tolerant these days? Are your once friendly and positive vibes lacking gratification of your achievements? Is muscle pain a common occurrence? Have your healthy habits altered?  If any of these factors resonate, you are a possible candidate of career and life burnout, as I was years

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My Bookshelf Favorites

A few inquired what’s on my bookshelf and asked about the books that have made an impact on my journey.  In the following are a mix of texts that have taught me ways to cultivate self-awareness and joy through straightforward wisdom to readings that delight the psyche in a detectives land offering much-needed distraction from

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Infertility and my Story

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, a time when many share their story. Here’s mine: Since 2016 my husband and I have been trying to conceive our second child. After many attempts the struggle became real. Before we considered alternative routes to enhancing our family or contemplating medical treatments, the lines “It will happen

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Podcasts for the Soul

This year I chanced upon four fabulous and meaningful podcasts that have super-charged my soul. From inspirational life stories to approaches on seeking joy, each podcast has my psyche ruminating over wellness philosophies and practices. Over the past three years, the wellness industry has blossomed twofold from authors and speakers to well-being products and methodologies

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Daily Positives & Being Alive

The dichotomy between living and being alive is grand. To live we eat, drink water, attend to our job, support our dependents and self, shower and recommence the next day. This cycle becomes a habit, a routine, and often rudimentary. Being alive is the higher aspect of living. Being alive is taking charge of our

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