Gratitude and its Glory
What comes to mind when you think of gratitude? What are you grateful for today? Reflecting on the good in your life is a healthy way to start and conclude your day.
What comes to mind when you think of gratitude? What are you grateful for today? Reflecting on the good in your life is a healthy way to start and conclude your day.
Essential oils are the purest gift when creating your own wellness supplies. A household favorite is Stress Away essential oil, and yes, the name says it all. This perfectly balanced scent of both tropical and citrus notes creates a zen-like oasis for the mind and body. During your next shower or bath, nourish and relax your
Find a comfortable place to sit, and place your hands on your knees with the tips of the thumb and the index finger together, forming a circle. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale out through the mouth with an ‘ahhh’ sound. Do this 3-5 times in a
Essential oils are true bliss when creating your own wellness cabinet with clean products you can trust. When the blend of essential oils and massage oils are absorbed on the skin, it enhances the body’s hydration level while making your frame smooth and soft. After a shower or bath spend time nourishing your skin. Your mind and
Mindfulness is one of today’s most recognizable words. While it may seem like a trend, mindfulness has profound benefits to train the body and mind to reach a state of calm through meditation and yoga. Mindfulness is defined as the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing,
Life’s busy these days, but as Tony Robbins advocates, one must make time to relax. One must make self-care a priority. For me, that’s finding the time to meditate. After trying various apps, Simple Habit just worked the best for my schedule. I love their “on-the-go” five-minute meditations. Great when taking a walk, in the bath, waiting
I am an avid cheerleader of essential oils and using them in my daily life to cultivate increased balance, calm and rest and relaxation. Through my personal journey in the oil sector, I continue to learn about the benefits of essential oils and am thrilled to share a few tips on how you can start implementing
Self-Care Sunday is a ritual in this abode as it promotes a feeling of calm and relaxation. Today’s spa bath included an uplifting and serene aroma with Young Living lavender essential oil, mint bubbles, and homemade lemon sugar scrub. 🍋🛀 Want to try the scrub? Below are the directions for you! Ingredients: 1 cup sugar
Christmas may be over, but the city still sparkles with holiday joy. To help stretch the season festivity, one treat I love this time of year is warm brownies cooked with a dash of peppermint oil. Below is the recipe for all to try and enjoy. Let me know how it works out and send pics!
Spring cleaning isn’t just for the home and office–our minds require that same cleanse a few times a year, if not more. Decluttering the brain is imperative as it allows the psyche to breathe, detox, and move forward with greater calm, ease, and clarity. In today’s hectic world our mind requires decluttering as our brain
I recently received a message from someone wanting to learn about my morning zen routine. Each day my morning consists of coffee as it’s paramount, but while that’s brewing, I settle into my meditation space for ten minutes and embrace in those moments of mindfulness to reflect on the new day with gratitude and optimism.
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